My son, specifically, has not quit talking about, obsessing over and planning his cold lunch since he learned a week ago that he could bring his own sak-lunch for the field-trip.
Some of you may be asking WHY doesn't this SAHM (with no kids at home all day) make her kids a damn cold lunch? She's got the time... It's most likely cheaper than hot lunch, what is her deal?
The deal is, I am not the mom that gives my kids every thing they want, when they want it and how they want it.
I am not the mom that cuts the crusts of their sandwiches.
I am not the mom that buys my kids a Happy Meal every time we drive through McDonalds.
(disclaimer - if you are that mom, carry on warrior - we all have to do what we have to do to survive)
- I am the mom that wants them to figure out what they can eat off of that sub-par-hot-lunch-tray to be sure they can last through the afternoon without their large organs eating their small organs.
- I am the mom that points out to them that by eating hot-lunch they are helping employ lunch-ladies in turn helping the economy.
- I am the mom that wants them to see through the "free" crappy toy at McD's and realize its not important.
- I am the mom that with help from her best friend has realized that she can use cold-lunch as a reward for good behavior or as a special treat.
- I am the mom that is proud of the fact that my kids are over-the-moon about the simple things in life: a jelly sandwich, small apple, snack bag of pistachios, a bottle of water and a bag of Cheetos packed in an reused Subway kids-pac bag that I found stuffed in the bottom of a drawer.
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